

Return procedure

  • You can return the goods 30 days after receipt
  • Check: Ordered at, not at cannot be accepted.
  • For returns it is best to use our DHL returns portal in your country.
  • You will find the fee for returns on the respective button of your country. We will deduct this fee from the refund amount.
    • * CR = Complete Return: If all items are returned, we unfortunately have to charge the stated fee. If items are kept, the return remains free of charge (valid for Germany & Austria).
  • Create the DHL returns label and:
    • print it out yourself or
    • Show the generated QR code on your smartphone at the post office - DHL will then print out the label.
  • Drop off the parcel at the post office
  • After receiving the return, we check the goods and put them back on sale.


  1. Please send us an e-mail about the problem, preferably with a photo - we will get back to you with a solution.
  2. We can only accept complaints about items that were purchased from our shop.